Create a Volt

A tdx Volt can be created using either the command-line interface (CLI) or the fusebox.


Use the create cli command:

Terminal window
./volt create --help

The most simple way to create a tdx Volt from the command line is shown below.

In this example, the tdx Volt will be created in the default Battery, with no password protection or encryption on either the Battery storage or the tdx Volt itself.

Terminal window
./volt create "Alice's laptop"

Create a secure tdx Volt

Use the p switch to specify a password that will be used to encrypt the tdx Volt storage.

By default, the tdx Volt will auto-generate a new key at creation and encrypt it with the given password. The tdx Volt will not store the password so you must remember it.

Terminal window
./volt create "Alice's laptop" -p secret

Use a period . to force the CLI to prompt for the password rather than include it explicitly in the command line.

Terminal window
./volt create "Alice's laptop" -p .
> enter Volt passphrase: _

There is currently no way to recover or reset the **tdx Volt** password so if you lose it you will not be able to access the Volt.

Create a tdx Volt using a fixed host

By default when a tdx Volt is created its certificate is bound to the current (or first) ipv4 network interface address. If you would like to bind a tdx Volt to a specific IP address or domain name use the host and port command line switches.

Terminal window
./volt create "Alice's server" --host --port 40725

Create a tdx Volt with a file-based key

By default the tdx Volt key is stored with the tdx Volt configuration. If the Battery and tdx Volt itself are encrypted this is a fairly safe option.

Alternatively you can create a tdx Volt using a key stored on the local file system.

Terminal window
./volt create "Alice's laptop" -k /path/to/key/file

If /path/to/key/file does not exist it will be created.

If the key is encrypted (recommended) you can specify or prompt for the password using the p switch as described above.

Terminal window
./volt create "Alice's laptop" -k /path/to/key/file -p .

It's possible to use this option to create a **tdx Volt** using a key stored on an encrypted USB stick for example. Of course the key file must be available to the **tdx Volt** when it is started.

Create a tdx Volt with a Relay

Use the relay-address and relay-challenge switches to create a tdx Volt with a pre-configured relay. This is useful in scenarios where the tdx Volt is created on remote devices, as it enables the configuration of a remote connection to the tdx Volt via the fusebox to complete the commissioning.

Note that you almost certainly want to use the -k switch to specify the file in which the tdx Volt key will be written. This is because you will need the key to be able to configure the remote fusebox connection.

Terminal window
./volt create --name "Alice's NAS" -k ./alice.key --relay-address --relay-challenge letmein

When the tdx Volt is first run it will create and configure the Relay connection and issue a bind request to the Relay Volt. The Relay Volt owner/administrator may need to approve the bind request before the binding is complete.


Creating a tdx Volt using the fusebox is straightfoward. Use the โ€˜new Voltโ€™ button on the slide-out menu panel:


Then fill out the form:
